Slater Barr - Chamber of Commerce
Amy Cresswell - Ford Construction Company
Bob Kirk -
Carter Kirk - Kirk Nissan
Chad Davis - Davis Wealth Services
Cheryl Mathis - Dyer County Schools
David Hayes -
David Johnson - Tennessee Realty
Mayor David Quick - Dyer County
Debbie Bradshaw-Hart - Dyer County Commissioner
Don Crews
Eddie Anderson - Anderson Farms
Jason Roberts - City of Newbern
Jeff Agee - First Citizens National Bank
Jeff Hammons - ERMCO
Jennifer Nunley - Security Bank
Jimmy Williamson - NW TN Regional Porth Authority
Joe Enoch - Cowart Reese Sargent PC
John Ford - Ford Construction Company
Mayor John Holden - City of Dyersburg
John Lannom - Lannom Coronado Haight PLLC
John Tucker - First Citizens National Bank
John Uitendaal - Southern Dutchman Insurance
Kim Worley - Dyersburg City Schools, Superintendent
Larry White - White & Associates Insurance
Lee Garner - Edward Jones
Lindsay Ennis - The Mustard Seed
Mark Brooks - C & C Pharmacy
Matt Duggan - Dot Foods
Mike Pennington - Pennington Seeds
Mike Sanders - Forcum Lannom Contractors
Mayor Pam Mabry - City of Newbern
Paul Carson - Tigrett & Pennington
Penny Guthrie - D & B Properties
Robby Richards - Dyersburg Electric System
Scott Barber - West TN Healthcare
Dr. Scott Cook - Dyersburg State Community College
Scott Foster - First Community Bank of the Heartland
Sonya Covington - Forcum Lannom Materials
Stan Welch - Tyson
Tommy Allmon - White & Associates Insurance
Walt Bradshaw - Bradshaw & Company Insurors
York Walker - RFW Construction Group
Youlanda Jones - Tennessee College of Applied Technology - Newbern